Types of Personality Assessments

e4W4KgA - Types of Personality Assessments

In the 1930s, the Office of Strategic Services commissioned the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to determine which personality traits would be vulnerable to enemy intelligence. American psychologists Henry Murray and Christiana D. Morgan devised this test to explore the underlying dynamics of personality, examining the individual’s needs for power, achievement, and intimacy, as well as problem-solving ability. Now known as the Myers-Briggs test, the TAT is widely used for assessing personality traits.

In the past, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) has been used to measure risk for alcohol abuse.… Read more

The Basics of Psychology and Anxiety Counseling

Psychological science is the study of human behavior and thoughts. It crosses over into the natural sciences, social sciences and the arts. This field of study is vast. However, it is a subset of the sciences. It is a vital area in society, as it can lead to many beneficial consequences. There are a lot of differences between these two types of disciplines. Listed below are the differences. When talking about psychology, it is necessary to know the basic definition.… Read more

The Debate Over Poor Self-image

You can do a little research online for information about how to transform your poor self-image. If students are told at a young age they’re gifted it tells them two things, that they’re special and they are smart. Additionally, there are parenting coaches and classes you’ll be able to find via the world wide web. It’s scary to turn in an application for school. Teens with a bad self-image are also more inclined to take part in risky behaviour should they think that it will gain them with the approval of their peers.… Read more